Baseline – How IT and the C-Suite Clash on Disaster Recovery

While the vast majority of organizations have a disaster recovery plan, top business executives and IT and disaster recovery managers differ greatly about the prioritization of these plans, according to a recent survey from Bluelock. The accompanying report, “Perspectives on IT Disaster Recovery,” reveals that a great many companies have had a tech-related disruption over the last two years, and these disruptions often impact the ability to deliver products and services. But C-level execs and vice presidents are more likely than tech department managers to conclude that they have “other, more pressing priorities” to pursue than disaster recovery initiatives. They’re also less likely to support an outsourcing or partnership model for these efforts. “Sometimes, organizations don’t realize the importance of IT disaster recovery planning until it’s too late,” according to the report. “With data being the most important financial asset and service being the most important reputational asset, why wouldn’t you protect your business against technology disruptions?

More of the Baseline article from Dennis McCafferty

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